Page 18 - Catalogue English.cdr
P. 18



                                           (Brown salon)

            The concept for the Bosnia and Herzegovina  the designs to the performance capabilities of
            salon was made by Bosnian architect Zlatko  weavers in Sarajevo kilim weaving factory: they
            Ugljen.  Materials  that  are  characteristic  for  simplified  the  compositions  and  minimized
            Bosnia and Herzegovina and decorative ele- the color selection. The artists were quite inte-
            ments and furniture in Bosnia and Herzego- rested in the weaving process itself and they
            vina’s traditional style were used for the inte- monitored  that  process  entirely  thus  seeing
            rior design. All wall surfaces are covered with  their ideas being materialized. This way a ta-
            formwork made of maple which is the most  pestry  with  fine  balanced  forms  was  created
            widespread plant species in Bosnian climate.  and  this  tapestry  gives  the  strongest  artistic
            The  shape  and  position  of  lamps  made  of  and aesthetic quality to this salon.
            copper on walls create the atmosphere that  The salon ceiling was originally adorned by the
            enhances the effect of warmth emanated by  chandelier which was a suspended structure.
            the  natural  material.  The  largest  tapestry  in  The design for the chandelier was made by ar-
            the entire building with its surface of 56 m²  chitect Zlatko Ugljen and the chandelier itself
            is located in this room. The tapestry “Šuma”  was made by painter and sculptor Zoran Petro-
            [Forest]  was  made  according  to  the  idea  of  vić in forging-in-copper technique. The chande-
            painters  Branko  Subotić,  Voja  Dimitrijević  lier was located in the salon by the beginning
            and  Mirko  Ostoja.  When  they  prepared  the  of the 90’s of the last century when it was re-
            material for the tapestry the artists adjusted  placed by simple neon lights.
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