Page 3 - Catalogue English.cdr
P. 3


                                        Cultural Monument
                       Palace of Federal Executive Council, Novi Beograd

            The  idea  of  building  the  Palace  of  Federal
            Executive Council of the Federal People’s Re-  COMPETITION
            public of Yugoslavia coincides with the begin-
            ning of the formation of a new city on the left
            bank of the Sava River, which was supposed  The competition was officially announced on
            to become the capital of the new socialist re- January  1st  1947.  Its  main  feature  was  the
            public.                                fact  that  the  competition  was  quite  unusu-
            The history of the construction of the Palace  al with regard to the pre-war general public
            demonstrates the complexity of political, so- competition  announcements.  All  citizens  of
            cial, cultural and artistic circumstances in Yu- the FPRY, as well as all state design organiza-
            goslavia in the period from 1947 until 1962.  tions, had the right to participate regardless
            This period is of special importance for ana- of the professional qualifications. According
            lysing and understanding the entire post-war  to the Competition terms and conditions the
            Yugoslav architecture. Years after the World  Palace was understood not only as architec-
            War II are marked with strong impact of so- tural but also as urban landmark of the fu-
            cial-realism  models.  There  was  a  creative  ture Novi Beograd.
            stagnation during the 1950s caused by great  The first price was awarded to design bureau
            economic and political crisis and at that point  from Zagreb with architect Vladimir Potočn-
            exactly the clear turn in the field of architec- jak as the head of the team and other mem-
            ture was made towards models and impacts  bers Zlatko Nojman, Anton Urlih and Dragica
            of the western Europe. After the counselling  Perak.  Potočnjak’s  solution  represented  a
            in  Dubrovnik  in  1950  the  road  to  modern  composition  scheme  of  the  building  with  a
            architecture  was  officially  opened  and  the  base in a form of letter H consisting of two
            fact  that  the  designs  of  several  important  concave  wings  connected  by  transversal,
            state  buildings,  construction  of  which  was  slightly buckled tract (the impact of Le Cor-
            commenced  in  the  1940s  in  socialist-real- busier’s design for the Tsentrosoyuz Building
            ism style, were amended and completed in  in Moscow from 1928 built as a monument
            the spirit of international architectural style,  dedicated  to  young  socialist  Russia  is  evi-
            speaks in favour of the above mentioned.   dent).
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