Page 4 - Catalogue English.cdr
P. 4
Informbiro Resolution was voted in 1949 had a direct impact on the concept of the
which led to disruption of relations between building and therefore Potočnjak’s design
Yugoslavia and USSR as well as blockage of had to be altered.
entire social life of the young socialist state. The work on the construction of the palace
The new political circumstances as well as continued in 1954 and it was symbolically an-
the death of Mr. Potočnjak in 1952 complete- nounced by Decision of the Special Federal
ly stopped the works on the palace in the Committee in 1954. That decision referred
phase when the reinforced concrete skeleton to the change and adaptation of the origi-
structure of the wings had already been con- nal design to the new formal and aesthetic
structed as well as the part of the structure requirements. The design amendment was
of the palace central part. At the time when entrusted to the Belgrade design bureau
the Potočnjak’s partially constructed design “Stadion” and architect Mihailo Janković who
was standing on the sand soil of the new city, demonstrated his designing abilities on two
a change In the federal structure and organi- significant sport facilities, namely JNA stadi-
zation of the new socialist state occurred and um and sports center “Tašmajdan”. Works
the structure was therefore renamed to the on rebuilding and adapting the lateral wings
Federal Executive Council Building. The func- began upon adoption of the preliminary de-
tion of the governing body, instead of the sign because they required minimum inter-
Presidency, was performed now by Federal ventions. First phase of the above mentioned
Executive Council with secretariats instead of works lasted until 1957.
ministries and significantly reduced admin- Janković’s design offered lighter and elongat-
istration. The change of the governing body ed form. He removed massive wall partitions