Information and Communications Technologies Department
The Department is run by the Director
Assistant Branislav Božić.
The Information and Communications Technologies Department contains the following internal units:
1. Section for computer communications, network management and internet/ 064 8167 174:
- Departmental for computer communications, development and network maintenance/ 064 8167 040;
- Departmental for internet technologies and network administration/ 064 8167 044;
2. Section for coordination and support e-government development, system and technical support/ 064 8167 178:
- Departmental for coordination and e-government development system support/ tel. 064 8167 176;
- Departmental for technical support/ 064 8167 043
- Departmental for republic bodies notary support
3. Section for information systems/ 064 8167 137;
- Departmental for application support and WEB technologies/ 064 8167-051
- Departmental for software development/ 064 8167 164;
4. Section for information security 064/8167-142
Purview of the Department
The Department operates following jobs:
- attendance and coordination of development of e-government in republic bodies and hardware-software support for that development;
- customizing the way of functioning information-communication technologies in republic bodies;
- design, development, building and maintenance of the joint computer-telecommunications network of the Republic bodies;
- connecting republic bodies and organizations to the Internet;
- opening and administration of official domains for republic bodies;
- development and maintenance email systems of republic bodies; system and technical informatics support for republic bodies;
- introducing to regular exploitation of new operating systems, system and antivirus software, Internet presentation of republic bodies protection software;
- Internet presentation of republic bodies hosting;
- design and development of information systems of users;
- maintenance of present information systems;
- creating and introducing projects for automation common services, design and organize document and other databases for purposes of work of republic bodies;
- data processing on computer, training of information systems users and other informatics tasks regarding ensuring of functioning and development of information system of republic bodies of Republic of Serbia.