The Department is run by the Director Assistant Milko Palibrk, Ph.D.
The Catering Services and Residental Objects Department contains the following internal units:
1. Section for Catering and Protocol Services, 11 Nemanjina Street; 2 Bul. Mihajla Pupina Street; 24 Kneza Miloša Street, 1 Omladinskih brigada Street and 6 Birčaninova Street.
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol Services, 11 Nemanjina Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol 2 Bul. Mihajla Pupina Street and 1 Omladinskih brigada Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol Services, 24 Kneza Miloša Street and 6 Birčaninova Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
2. Section for Catering and Protocol Services, 13 Nikola Pašić Square; 14 Kralja Milana Street and 2 Tolstojeva Street
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol Services, 13 Nikola Pašić Square
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol, 14 Kralja Milana Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Protocol Services, 2 Tolstojeva Street
- Group for the cookery
- Group for the confectionery
3. Section for Catering and Restaurant Services, 22-26 Nemanjina Street i 20 Kneza Miloša Street
- Departmental for Catering and Restaurant Services, 22-26 Nemanjina Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Restaurant, 20 Kneza Miloša Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
4. Section for Catering and Restaurant Services, 15 Bul. Kralja Aleksandra Street, 3 Vlajkovićeva Street, 36 Kralja Milana Street, 10 Vlajkovićeva Street and 29 Ustanička Street
- Departmental for Catering and Restaurant Services, 15 Bul. Kralja Aleksandra Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
- Departmental for Catering and Restaurant, 29 Ustanička Street
- Group for servicing
- Group for the cookery
5. Departmental for purchasing, accuracy control, storing and delivering goods
The Department operates following jobs: